Approved Contractors

Need help with approved Contractor or Local Authority Tenders?

We can help get you through the paperwork and apply on your behalf. We explain the process as we go so you can do as much or as little yourself. If you are starting from nothing or just need a little tweak here and there, we can help.

Give us a call or email and we will call you back to talk through the process.

Want to know more?

Fill in your details here and a specialist will be in touch very shortly.

Please note – you will not be contacted by sales pople, only a specialist.

Alternatively, take a look at this self assessment form to see how much work you will need.

No need to fill this in, we will do this for you over the phone.

Need to know how much this costs?

Lots of us do understandably get a little concerned with how much this will cost and figures ranging from £700 to £1250 seem like a big investment. But ultimately it depends on what doors these accreditation’s are going to open. Its a drop in the pond if it secures well paid work over long periods.

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